Chronic Conditions

  • Have You Been Suffering From Chronic Knee Pain?

    Chronic knee pain is notoriously difficult to treat successfully. Persons with these problems often become discouraged as they shuttle from specialist to specialist, from rheumatologist to orthopedic surgeon to physical therapist to acupuncturist and back again. Lack of progress and improvement becomes

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  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain

    The condition of fibromyalgia creates many challenges for a person with this disorder. These challenges often go far beyond the characteristic chronic pain which alone can be potentially debilitating. Those with fibromyalgia have pain in many locations and the presence of multiple pain sites is often

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  • Chiropractic: The drugless solution to headaches

    Headaches are an unfortunate and painful part of life for many Americans. In fact, an estimated five percent of adults in this country suffer from chronic migraines or severe headache pain. We spend billions of dollars each year on over-the-counter and prescription pain medication for relief from those

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  • Breathing Exercises Improve Asthma Symptoms

    In the United States, about 20 million people have been diagnosed with asthma; nearly 9 million of them are children. The most common treatment for Asthma has been the use of corticosteriod inhalers. A new study found that breathing techniques can cut the use of asthma reliever inhalers by more than

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  • Allergies and Asthma

    Allergies and asthma are big business. Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, and approximately 20 million suffer from asthma. With some overlap between the conditions, more than 60 million Americans experience either allergies, asthma, or both. The costs for medications, hospital

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  • Osteoporosis: Not Just An Elderly Disease

    It used to be that osteoporosis was considered a disease that affected only the elderly. We particularly associated osteoporosis with older women whose backs were slightly hunched over or those who could no longer stand up straight. Today, the truth is that an estimated 20 million American

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  • Erasing Migraines: An M.D. Turns to Chiropractic

    Stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue have been no small component of Dr. Michael Benson’s life. As a fetal surgeon, Benson is often up for 24- to 36-hour stretches at a time looking after patients. He has little time to rest or eat regular, healthy meals. It’s no wonder he has

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  • Experiencing Headaches?

    If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth

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Huynh Family Chiropractic


3900 Truxtun Ave,
Bakersfield, CA 93309


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